2. No — gender differences are not caused by biology, they are caused by culture

Astrid Cecilie Budolfsen
3 min readOct 1, 2019


I have spent a lot of time on the internet, and some of that time has been spent arguing with people. One argument, in particular, that has been recurring, is discussing with people who think gender differences and roles are “natural”, and so it is harmful and futile to go up against them. So I have decided to write this article, and save myself some time. From now I can link to here, instead of typing out my reiteration of my opinion every time. Let’s go!

Firstly, what do I mean with the words I use?

“Gender” in this context is defined as “the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex”. On the other hand,“sex” in this context is defined as “either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as female or male especially on the basis of their reproductive organs and structures”.

There is (generally) a physical/anatomical difference between (most) men and women, a sex difference. This difference does not translate into the behavioural, cultural, or psychological differences between the sexes. This difference, the gender difference, is explained by culture. And culture is created by people, not by nature.

There is no “male” or “female” brain

The things that happen to us from conception, through birth, early life and growing up, shape us immensely, both behaviourally, culturally and psychologically. These conditions influence how our brains are wired, they affect how our bodies grow, how genes are expressed, even the genes we pass on to the next generation. People are different because they were made to be different, shaped by the societal conditions they grew up under.

If you look at people of different genders, and observe that there are immense differences, and, therefore, conclude that they must be created fundamentally different, and these gender roles are “natural” and unchangeable, then you are making a flawed argument. Basically you have the same argument that social darwinism is built upon.

That gender differences result from nuture, not nature, is evident from the fact that there is no “male” or “female” brain. It is also evident from the fact that different cultures have different gender roles. If gender differences were caused by nature, then they would be the same across cultures, but they are not.

“You just want to make it so that men and women are all the same!”

On the contrary, I want to make it so that EVERYONE is as different as they want to be. Instead of confining people to 2 narrow boxes, one for men and one for women, I want everyone to be free to be a whole wide range of things. I want men to be free to do “traditionally female” things, I want women to be free to do “traditionally male” things. I also want people to be free to identify as something other than male or female.

“Women would be happier if they stayed at home with their kids or stuck to “feminine” professions. Science proves this!”

Women are people, and people generally want to make their own major life decisions. You wouldn’t like it either if I came and told you what to do with your life. And as for your claim to science. It is true that some statistics show that womens’ happiness have decreased for some time. But it is not because women aren’t staying at home with their children, but due to a variety of things. Female happiness was artificially inflated in the 1970s because of the feminist movement and the optimism it engendered among women. Because of this optimism, a lot of women believed that they would be treated as equals, and they have experienced dissappointment when change has been a lot slower than anticipated. It is also because women have taken on new roles and resposibilities in society, while still carrying many of the old roles and responsibilities demanded off them. Thus, they end up doing what is known as “The second shift”.

I hope that if you are reading this, because I have sent you via link to this piece of writing, that you have made it to the end, and that you have a nice day, wherever you are.



Astrid Cecilie Budolfsen
Astrid Cecilie Budolfsen

Written by Astrid Cecilie Budolfsen

Weird economist and climate political activist

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